Inside: Show kindness to moms on Mother’s Day with this Mommy Is Poem free printable you can download, print and have kids fill out as a Mother’s day gift or a Mother’s Day card. Every day, our moms do everything for us. And to be honest with you, this isn’t news to you. Because if […]
How to Spread Kindness with these Thank You Notes for Educators
Inside: Spread kindness and appreciation for our teachers and school staff with these kindness thank you notes for educators. When I taught third grade years ago I wanted to start the year off by building up their self-esteem and get them into the habits of giving and receiving compliments. Each week during the free time, […]
Connect with Students with these Kindness Notes for Teachers
Inside: Teachers and educators can use these 16 different kindness note printables to connect with students in meaningful ways. We all have a favorite teacher. The teacher who took the time to really get to know us. To really learn who we were and what we wanted to be and what was important to us. […]
Celebrate Teacher Appreciation with Teacher’s Favorite Coffee or Tea Drink
Inside: Show your kids’ teachers appreciation year round with this Teacher’s Favorite Coffee or Tea Drink Printable. When I taught third grade, I had a room partner who was super generous and thoughtful. Randomly, she would bring me an orange juice or a bagel or a coffee when she got one. And it always came […]
How to Help Kids with Invisible Disabities and Rare Genetic Conditions
Inside: Here are 4 simple ways to help kids with invisible disabilities and rare genetic conditions and speak and cat with kindness towards them. Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Give Better and The Give Better Fund, but the opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. My eldest daughter is […]