Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for August by donating school supplies and books for students who need it. August used to still be summer when we were kids. But nowadays, August officially marks back to school season. Target told me so with their rows and rows of Elmer’s Glue […]
How to Help Kids Be More Grateful with These Appreciation Notes
Inside: Help kids focus on being more grateful with these appreciation notes they can write and leave for friends, family, and teachers. It was a crummy, no good day so I planned on ice cream for dessert. I scooped out bowls of ice cream and instead of my kids thanking me and getting excited, they […]
The Scar That Finally Banished All My Mom Guilt
Inside: Most moms feel it: Mom Guilt. But how do we get rid of it? These strategies banished all my Mom Guilt and they will help you too. Last month, I had cancer. This month, I don’t. I can write those two overwhelming sentences for one and only one reason: I took the time to […]
Family Volunteer Challenge for July
Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for July by writing to active duty servicemen and women in our military. My kids think the 4th of July is such a fun holiday all about apple pies and fireworks. And they think Memorial Day means BBQs and Veterans Day means no school. […]
How to Teach Kids to Celebrate our Differences
Inside: We need to go beyond teaching diversity and embracing multicultural studies…we need to celebrate our differences so we can truly begin to value each other. When my eldest was in 5th grade her small, but diverse Girl Scout troop wanted to have a meeting in December. The girls decided to share their December family […]