You can’t force kids to be kind…but you can get them to want to be kind.
You’re Invited to our FREE Video Workshop for Parents: How to Get Kids to Want to be Kind
Parents: Get the secrets you need to have kind kids, kind siblings, and a calmer, happier, more peaceful home.
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Here’s What Others Are Saying:
“I just watched this video and I felt very compelled to send you a message. Wow. Wow. Wow. My mind is blown by what you said and how much sense of made. I didn’t get a chance to watch the first video yet but I absolutely will make time to watch the videos that you send and I will have my husband watch these also. I feel so strongly that kindness is at the heart of all of the good traits and actions we want to teach our kids. My middle is really struggling with being kind to others including us as parents but I’ve also been having a very hard time trying to show him what we are looking for. I really feel like this will be a game changer. Thank you again.“- Nichols S.
“With four kids (boys 13, 11) and (girls 10, 8) entering different schools and honestly being home all summer, I’m already trying to proactively implement kindness. I love your sibling rivalry/kindness content. I’m praying for patience and kindness in my own heart and TONE as I get so tired of being the referee. You are so wise and I really, really relate and am inspired by your content. Thank you sooo much!” -Jenny S.
“I see [my kids] hugging each other more and telling each other “I love you.” Also, they had friends over this afternoon and typically a fight ensues at some point, but they all played well, shared their toys cheerfully, and spoke kindly to each other and friends. Also, they had a babysistter tonight who said they were amazing. We typically get a good report but “they did fight a few times” is always added to the statement. Tonight they were just great for the sitter. I was so encouraged. Keep up the good work in helping families!” -Stacy S.
“I used to think that “Be Kind” was just a simple slogan seen on school posters. Then I listened to Nicole. Kindness is a deep subject with profound implications. It is now obvious to me that strategically learning and teaching kindness builds emotional intelligence skills, promotes self-awareness, and helps us all be happier. All things that lead to a better life and more fulfilling relationships. Nicole’s enthusiasm for kindness is contagious. It’s a joy to listen to her speak on the subject.” -Phil W.
“Thank you for sharing your knowledge, insight and humor… Thank you. It must be so rewarding to know you’re m making an impact on families, and helping parents succeed at one of the hardest, but most important “jobs” in the world – raising kind, compassionate, and capable kids/adults.” -Robin A.
Join these other parents… Click here to get access to the FREE video!
You can make it happen for your family too.
Less fighting.
Less bickering.
Less rivalry.
More kindness.
More compassion.
More empathy.
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