Want these 60 Kindness Discussion Starters to help you raise kind kids? Get them here.
Raising Kind Kids. It’s not a one-time thing. It’s not a cross your fingers and hope it happens kind of thing.
If we want to raise kind kids, we have to do it intentionally. On purpose. Relentlessly.
We have to remind our kids often. Talk about it often. And encourage it often.
And we have to know it’s not going to happen overnight. It’s going to take time and practice and patience.
Here are some of my best resources:
Kind Kids 101…What Parents Need to Know:
Raising Kids to Be a Good Friend:
Raising Kids who Are Helpful, Considerate and Mindful of Others:
Grateful Kids are Happier Kids and Happier Kids are Kinder Kids:
Kindness Activities, Books, Resources, and Discussion Starters:
Shop for Kindness Products: