Use these classroom rules posters to set clear expectations in your classroom and help build a positive classroom environment.
My first year teaching as I set up my Kindergarten classroom, my mentor teacher suggested that instead of posting the rules, I asked the kids what they thought the classroom rules should be.
So I did that.
Twenty minutes later, they were still listing off rules we should follow, including don’t touch my blue car without asking me.
Classroom rules are essential to creating a safe and welcoming classroom where all of your students feel included and ready to learn.
And since we know students who are bullied or teased will not be focused on learning but will instead be focused on not being bullied or teased, if we want all of our students to learn, we have to make sure our classrooms are a safe place.
We can do these things to bullyproof our classroom and our students. And we can do these things to set up a positive classroom environment. And we can of course, teach sel curriculum in these simple ways.
But we also have to set clear rules and expectations that are easy to follow and easy to remember, from our kindergartners to our high schoolers.
And these Classroom Rules Posters will help you do just that.
Why you only need two classroom rules:
Rules give much-needed boundaries to our students and set clear expectations.
And our classroom will be a kinder, safer, more peaceful community when we set these clear expectations.
Sure, we could make a long list of classroom rules to make that happen.
But too many rules are overwhelming and hard to remember.
If we want to set super clear expectations for students, then our list of rules has to be short, easy to remember, and easy to follow.
So to cover all things, we only need two rules:
- Be Kind
- Follow Directions the First Time
The Be Kind Rule covers everything that involves how they interact with their friends, their classmates, and the adults in our school.
If we want to teach compassionate students and ensure a positive classroom environment so everyone feels safe to learn, and is anti-bullying, we have to make kindness a classroom rule.
Related: Classroom Kindness EPosters to Encourage More Kindness in your Classroom
The Be Kind Rule covers:
- mean words,
- mean tone,
- “bad” words or profanity,
- teasing and name calling,
- physical hurting of any kind,
- bullying: emotional, mental, physical or cyber
- turn-taking and sharing supplies
- helping others,
- thinking of others,
- not hurting feelings,
- thoughtfulness,
- giving compliments,
- being friendly and saying “hi,”
- being welcoming and an includer,
- including classmates in play or activities,
- playing fairly,
- collaborating and using teamwork,
- be respectful of school property and resources,
- don’t take other students’ belongings or use them without permission,
- standing up for classmates when you see something that’s not okay,
- using manners: please, thank you, no thank you, you’re welcome, excuse me, and bless you.
It really encompasses all things to make our students better, kinder people that make up a positive classroom environment.
The Follow Directions Rule covers:
We need our students to follow directions and be first-time listeners.
First Time Listening is the act of hearing me say something and listening the first time–before I have to say it again.
It applies to everything from lining up, to turning to the right page, or partnering up to collaborate.
These are the rules that keep them safe and make them easier to teach because I don’t have to spend as much time repeating myself.
The Following Directions Rule covers all of this, but is definitely not limited to:
- wash your hands after you use the restroom,
- cover your sneezes and coughs,
- no eating in the classroom,
- line up quietly,
- be quiet during announcements,
- no talking during a test,
- grade with a red pen/don’t grade your own paper,
- stay in your seat,
- keep all the legs of your chair on the ground,
- walk in the classroom,
- quiet voices when you’re working,
- raise your hand if you have a question,
- don’t interrupt another classmate or me,
- quietly get a tissue and drink of water without raising your hand…
How to Use These Classroom Rules Posters
1. Purchase and download the eposters.
2. Choose the eposter that works best for your classroom. There are 10 styles to choose from.
3. Print the poster on 11 x 17 paper.
4. Hang up the poster in your classroom and talk about the rules with your students.
5. Remind the students of your classroom rules often, especially when they leave your classroom.
Ready to add these Classroom Rules Posters to your classroom?
Purchase them in our online store.
Purchase them in Teachers Pay Teachers.
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