Inside: Show your kids’ teachers appreciation year round with this Teacher’s Favorite Coffee or Tea Drink Printable. When I taught third grade, I had a room partner who was super generous and thoughtful. Randomly, she would bring me an orange juice or a bagel or a coffee when she got one. And it always came […]
How to Help Kids with Invisible Disabities and Rare Genetic Conditions
Inside: Here are 4 simple ways to help kids with invisible disabilities and rare genetic conditions and speak and cat with kindness towards them. Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Give Better and The Give Better Fund, but the opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. My eldest daughter is […]
How This Includer Bingo Game Will Help Spread Kindness
Inside: This Includer Bingo Game is perfect for families and classroom teachers to help encourage our kids to include and welcome and invite others to join in and will help spread kindness. My daughter’s teacher reached out to me the other day. She said she had a favor to ask me to ask my daughter. […]
Teaching Kids to Speak Kindly to Others
Inside: Teaching kids to speak kindly to others is an important skill but it can feel abstract. Make this more concrete with this kindness activity to help them understand the damage cruelty can do. I don’t want you in my room. You always take my stuff. Get out! You’re so annoying! Sometimes, sibling relationships are […]
How Families Can Teach Kids to Donate Money With this One Simple Resource
Inside: Teach kids to donate money and give back to their community with this resource to make donating money easier. Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Give Better and The Give Better Fund, but the opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. My eldest daughter loves money and has loved […]