This Family Kindness Calendar has 365 (+1 for February 29th) kindness activities that are kid-friendly and kid-appropriate.
And the best part of this perpetual calendar? You don’t have to wait until January 1st to start it.
Whatever month it is, you can flip to that month and begin. No need to wait until the 1st of any month.
And with 365 different acts of kindness your kids can do, they’ll be inspired to act and speak with kindness right now to their:
- Siblings
- Family
- Classmates and friends
- Teachers
- School personnel
- Neighbors
- Teammates and opponents
- Service workers (firefighters, mail carriers, garbage collectors, crossing guards, etc.)
Some kindness activities require no money and no preparation.
Other ideas do require a little prep and a little money.
But this kindness calendar also comes with a list of supplies and resources you’ll need to carry out each of these 365 acts of kindness… things like hot cocoa packets and rocks and paint pens and pencils.
And if one of these kindness acts doesn’t work for you or your kids, you can change it or skip it.
All these kindness suggestions can be done by school-age children or younger children with the help of an adult.
And because kindness can be hard to explain to our kids, each activity focuses on a specific type of kindness:
- Gratitude
- Generosity and giving to others
- Volunteering
- Being friendly
- Being an includer
- Helping
- Encouraging and Cheering on others
***Instructions: Print out the calendar on cardstock and spiral bind the top of the calendar at a copy and print store. You can also hole punch the top so it can be hung up. Or you can thread ribbon or string through the spiral to hang it up.
This is a digital product and no physical product will be sent to you.