Inside: RAK Day is February 17th and you will love these 9 Random Acts of Kindness Day Activities for kids that are fun to do.
February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day.
And even though we focus on kindness every day, we really don’t often do random acts of kindness because we would rather our kids do simple, normal, everyday acts of kindness.
But if you speak and act with kindness every day, then it’s also fun to do random acts of kindness to celebrate in February.
Here are 9 Random Acts of Kindness Day Activities for kids that are family-friendly and encourage more kindness.
Random Acts of Kindness Day Activities for Kids:
1. Make Kindness Pencils and Gift Them
A fun and simple way to spread kindness is by making these Kindness Pencils. Print out the kindness labels, color and draw on them and then wrap them around each pencil.
To spread the kindness, hide them in classmates’ backpacks or desks. This is a great rak for Back to School but also for Random Acts of Kindness Day in February.
2. Make Friendship Cookies and Drop Them Off at a Fire Station
If you have kids who love to bake, encourage them to make these Friendship Cookies. You can get the recipe here and invite friends to bring the special ingredients.
They’ll be delicious, but they’ll be even better when you gift them.
You can give these kindness cookies to a local fire station or to a family that could use a little sweet pick me up. You can gift them to:
- families with a newborn,
- kids who are sick,
- an elderly couple
- elderly widow,
- or a family new to the neighborhood
3. Random Act of Kindness Activities: Hide a Dollar
This random act of kindness is fun and only costs a dollar. Print out the free sheet, attach a dollar to it and head to your local dollar store. Your kids can decide if they want to hide the dollar in the candy section or in the toy section for another kid to find.
Instead of spending a dollar on themselves, they’re spending a dollar on someone else to increase their joy in a small way.
4. Hide a Toy
Similar to the hide a dollar random act of kindness, this one also involves a dollar store. Print out the free rak cards and then head to your dollar store and purchase small toys like a matchbox car, playdoh, glow sticks, and bubbles.
Attach the cards to the toys, then head to the park and hide a few every time you leave the park for other kids to find.
6. Make a Friendship Flower for a Friend
Spread kind words instead of gifts with these Friendship Flowers filled with compliments. Kids can make these flowers for their friends (or teachers, or family members) and then gift them. They’ll last longer than real flowers!
7. Hide a Kindness Rock
These kindness rocks are fun to make and fun to hide.
Purchase or find flat rocks and then decorate them with kind, uplifting messages. Kids can hide them around their school or neighborhood so others find the messages and rocks.
8. Random Acts of Kindness Activities: Gift a Teacher Some Caffeine
Most teachers survive on caffeine, especially during the winter months where there are more indoor recesses. Find out what your kids’ teachers’ favorite drink is and send it in to school with your kid as a random act of kindness.
Need to know what their favorite drink is, use this Favorite Drink Order Form for Educators so you can surprise them throughout the year.
9. Leave a Snow Kindness Message
If you live where it snows, you can make these snow messages instead of chalking their driveway. You can leave hi messages or “feel better soon” messages when friends are home sick.
The trick is making the message with a stick or gloved finger first, then making it colorful afterwards. You can get the directions here for the Snow Kind Messages.
9. Random Acts of Kindness Activities: Drop off a Sweet Treat- coming soon
Use this sweet random act of kindness and attach some Rice Krispie Treat packages to these printable rak cards and then hide them in friends’ and neighbors’ mailboxes.
Which Random Acts of Kindness are you going to do first?
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