Inside: There are simple ways to encourage kindness in our classrooms, including using these kindness posters made specifically for classrooms. My daughter was working on an art project in her classroom and I was guest teaching. She was excited I was there and I was excited to get back in front of a group of […]
Dealing with schools
What to Do When Your Child Has Been Bullied: 12 Steps
Is your child being bullied? Here’s what to do when your child has been bullied in 12 steps. 1 in 5 kids will be bullied. Is your kiddo one of them? When your child comes home with bullying stories, it can be hard to know what to do. But sadly, I’ve been there, several times: Mean […]
New School? How to Help Your Kids Adjust to a New School Quickly
Inside: Are your kids heading to a new school this fall? Here’s how to help your kids adjust to a new school quickly. My three kids were the new kids at school three times in three years. We moved from Los Angeles to Boston to Chicago and back to Los Angeles. Yikes. That’s a lot […]
Keep Your Food Allergy Kids Safe at School With 11 Essential Tips
Inside: Every food allergy parent worries and wonders how to keep their food allergy kids safe at school. And while there will always be worry, these 11 essential tips will help keep them safe when you’re not there to protect them. Disclaimer: All food allergies vary in type and severity of reaction. This is not […]
How to Countdown to Summer Break as You Spread Kindness
Inside: Countdown to Summer Break and focus on kindness at the same time by using this Kindness Countdown to Summer Break Paper Chain. I will never forget my last year teaching…the burnout was real. And the stretch from Spring Break to Summer break felt longer than before and my mental health was in the toilet. […]