Inside: Use this Recipe for Kindness for Social Emotional Learning Writing to connect kindness to creative writing skills. My kids love to cook and bake with me and my husband ever since they were little. As they got older, the recipes got more complex and they got more independent. Besides the fact that cooking and […]
Fun Learning Activites
Kindness Role Playing Cards to Practice Being Kind
Inside: Use these kindness Role Playing Cards with kids to practice how to be kind towards others every day. While there is no one way to be kind, there are many ways to be unkind. Role Playing gives children a safe space to practice new skills they’re learning that may otherwise feel overwhelming if […]
Celebrate Differences and Diversity with the Rainbow Colors of Me
Inside: Celebrate differences and diversity with the Rainbow of Me free printable to help kids see how colorful our world is. During the height of the pandemic, we decided to homeschool our kids for a year rather than do online learning through the schools. And for the first time since they were super little kids, […]
Morning Meeting SEL Activities for Educators
Inside: 11 Morning Meeting SEL Activities for Educators to use to start the day with more kindness and connect with students. When I taught Kindergarten, I cherished my morning meeting time with my students. It was a great way to start the day off, connect with students, get them excited about the day, and sneak […]
Kindness Activities for Kids: 21 Ideas to Spread Kindness
Inside: Use these kindness activities for kids to give kids ways they can speak and act with kindness more often in fun ways. Kindness is a verb. It’s something we have to do. So while we can read kindness books and talk about kindness (which is important), we ALSO have to give kids actual opportunities […]