Inside: Use this Kindness Kites Kind or Unkind Sort to help students determine what is kind and what is not during this sel center activity. Every February when the days are cold and dreary and dark way too early, I start longing for the warmer weather that spring promises. I start hoping for days spent […]
Fun Learning Activities
How to Teach Your Kids to Sew With this Valentine’s Day Craft
Inside: Try this fun Valentine’s Day Craft and teach your kids beginning sewing skills at the same time. All you need is a few supplies and your kids will be sewing in no time. My grandma was an incredible seamstress, but she didn’t pass down the skills to my mom or to me. I can […]
Gratitude Bundle: An Easy Way to Help Kids Show Gratitude
Inside: Teach kids to be grateful with this Gratitude Bundle that makes teaching gratitude easy and fun. My daughter spent the evening complaining about her phone. Complaining about her iPhone that was handed down to her (twice removed) in order for her to connect with friends and family who live out of state. But she […]
How to Teach Kindness Vocabulary in a Hands On Way
Inside: Use this Kindness Vocabulary Activity to help teach sel curriculum and kindness concepts in a hands-on and fun way for students. I remember one of my least favorite parts in school was when we were required to memorize a whole list of new vocabulary words with an impending test around the corner. The words […]
How to Celebrate Student Kindness with These 6 Fun Ideas
Inside: Fun ways teachers can encourage and celebrate student kindness by using positive reinforcement, praise, encouragement, and “rewards.” When I was getting my teaching credential, the first class they made us take wasn’t on how to teach reading or how to teach math. It was on classroom management. We knew from the beginning that if […]