Inside: Use these Thanksgiving Kindness Role Playing Cards with kids to practice how to be kind towards others on Thanksgiving. While there is no one way to be kind, there are many ways to be unkind. And when kids are around family they haven’t seen in a while or are expected to sit still through […]
Ideas for Your Classroom
Best Sensory Toys and Gifts for Kids Who Need Sensory Input
Inside: Use this list of the 35+ best sensory toys and gifts perfect for kids who are sensory seeking or need to fidget in order to concentrate. When my eldest daughter was a toddler and a preschooler she probably would have been diagnosed with sensory processing issues due to her low vision skills. She is […]
Kindness Leaves Kind or Unkind Sort for SEL Curriculum
Inside: Use this Kindness Leaves Kind or Unkind Sort to help students determine what is kind and what is not during this sel center activity. Every late August, when I’m dripping sweat by 9am and overheated all day, I long for the chillier, sweater weather fall days. I look forward to all things pumpkin spice […]
September 72 Hour Shopping Spree for Kindness Resources
Kindness September Shopping Spree! Every 72 Hours for the month of September you’ll have access to another amazing deal! But you have to hurry! After the 72 hours are up, the deal goes away! September 1-3rd: Back to School Kindness Bundle for 60% off!- Deal Expired The Back to School Kindness Bundle Includes: I am Kind […]
Halloween Handprints Craft to Spread Kindness This Fall
Inside: Use these Halloween Handprints kindness Crafts as a way to celebrate Halloween and spread some kindness in your community. Every October I dig out my Halloween boxes and bins and decorate my home because I love everything about Halloween. And one of my favorite ways to decorate for the holiday is by hanging up […]