Inside: Spread kindness this summer with these random acts of kindness for kids because they are a perfect summer activity to keep kids busy this summer. It’s around the corner… the school year is coming to a close. Summer is almost upon us and every year as my kids’ lunchboxes start to fall apart, the […]
summer learning
How to Find the Best Books for a Reluctant Reader
Inside: Do you have a reluctant reader? Here are four tricks to get reluctant readers to want to read, and the best books for a reluctant reader to inspire them to want to read more. Last night, I had to go in and “threaten” to take away my daughter’s book and her lightbulb because she […]
How to Have a Kid-Friendly Staycation with this Summer Schedule
Inside: Having the kids home for summer can be overwhelming. Use this free summer schedule weekly calendar with over 50+ ideas for each week during the summer. When I was in high school and college, I was a camp counselor at a camp that charged $100 per camper, per day. Now it was a great […]
Get Your Kids to Write More in Less Than 5 Minutes Using a Fidget Spinner
Inside: Need a great new fidget spinner activity to add to your lesson plans or home activity? Free Printable to help your student write more with a fidget spinner. I used to love creative writing as a kid. I had a myriad of ideas and an old Trapper Keeper full of half written stories, […]