Inside: Use these snow activities for kindness that are perfect for kids to spread random acts of kindness and happiness this winter. The weather just dropped to below freezing and we got this winter’s first real snowfall. And it’s absolutely beautiful looking out and seeing all the white…especially for this California girl who never grew […]
Raising Kind Kids
Kindness Vocabulary Activity for SEL Curriculum
As educators, we can teach sel curriculum in our classrooms to help students understand social-emotional concepts. You can use this kindness vocabulary activity to help students understand social concepts like kindness and bullying. When we talk about character education in our classrooms, we usually think about teaching our young students how to share and how […]
Monthly Family-Friendly Volunteer Ideas for Kids
Inside: Spread kindness with these family-friendly volunteer ideas for kids each month through this Family Volunteer Challenge to help make volunteering a habit for kids. About a decade ago, there was a huge campaign in Los Angeles to get more people volunteering. Disney teamed up with dozens of local organizations, and if an adult volunteered […]
Family Volunteer Challenge for December
Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for December by focusing on giving rather than getting Christmas gifts. A few years ago, I was shopping with my kids at the mall during December. We were holiday shopping for family and putting things on their wish list for them. The Christmas carols […]
9 Ways to Help Kids Stand Up to Peer Pressure to Make Kinder Choices
Inside: Help your kids with these 9 strategies so they can successfully stand up to peer pressure and make kinder choices towards others. Once upon a time, a little girl picked her nose at school. Ew, that’s so gross. She’s so gross. Look how gross she is. Oh my God, she’s so gross. Ew. I […]