This Kindness Zoo Animal Bundle is a fun addition to your letter of the week or an animal a day activity. It has an alphabet emergent reader with a different animal and act of kindness each day. It’s a great way to introduce kids to character education and social emotional curriculum and the alphabet at the same time.
Students can read about all the different ways from A to Z to speak and act with kindness. These emergent reader student books come in color and black and white.
These emergent readers use simple language and sight words to describe an essential concept: there are lots of different ways to be kind.
This is perfect for Pre-K students, preschool students, TK students, Kindergarten students and first grade students.
This Kindness Zoo bundle comes with ideas on how to use all the different items in the bundle.
And you can continue the conversation with the teacher discussion starters during morning meeting or as further writing prompts.
Students can then connect this social emotional learning activity with creative writing by writing one or all of the included writing prompts.
This Kindness Zoo Animal Bundle comes with:
student copy of the alphabet emergent reader in color and black and white
5 writing prompts to connect to the topic of kindness
Kindness notecards students can pass out to classmates
Zoo Animal coloring book with kindness activities