Inside: Use this role playing to meet new friends printable to help kids practice different ways to break the ice and meet a potential new friend. I took my kids to the park and I started to panic because I couldn’t find my youngest. But I shouldn’t have worried. She was only in search of […]
How to Make Kindness Keychains
Inside: These kindness keychains are the perfect friendship craft for kids to make and then give away to their friends as a kindness activity kids can make. On our street, we had this great kid who lived next door. She was super friendly, super kind, and included everyone. She knocked on doors of kindergarteners, my […]
How to Help Kids with Invisible Disabities and Rare Genetic Conditions
Inside: Here are 4 simple ways to help kids with invisible disabilities and rare genetic conditions and speak and cat with kindness towards them. Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Give Better and The Give Better Fund, but the opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. My eldest daughter is […]
How to Make a Shrinky Dink Keychain as Friendship Gifts
Inside: Help your kids make shrinky dink keychains into friendship gifts that are sweet and help our kids show kindness towards their friends. My youngest daughter has been on a mission to make new friends. One of her close friends just moved across the country. Her best friend doesn’t have the same recess time as […]