Inside: Use these bee kindness resources to teach social emotional learning during spring months and encourage more kindness to others. On a gorgeous spring day, I decided to get some fresh air into my classroom so we opened the door to the outside and let the breeze blow in. But with it came a bee. […]
Ideas for Your Classroom
13 Printable Valentine’s Day Activities
Inside: These 13 Printable Valentine’s Day Activities are the perfect way to celebrate all things Valentine’s Day to get kids excited and sneak in some learning at the same time. Valentine’s Day is about spreading love and joy and sharing candies and sweet notes. To help kids celebrate Valentine’s Day, we use this countdown to […]
Valentine’s Day Kindness Challenge for Kids in February
Inside: Use this Valentine’s Day Kindness Challenge to encourage more kindness during the month of February and give kids lots of chances to practice being kind. Valentine’s Day is filled with chocolate and cards and goodies…it’s also the perfect time for kindness, like when we give Valentine cards to classmates, we give valentines to all […]
Kindness Family Goals and Classroom Goals for the New Year
Inside: Create Kindness New Year’s Resolutions for Kids with this Family Goal and Class Goals for the New Year printable that will help kids brainstorm real ways to act with kindness. New Year’s Eve is synonymous with resolutions, a firm decision to do or not do something that can turn into a habit (or breaking […]
December Kindness Challenge to Encourage More Kindness
Inside: Use this Holiday Gifts December Kindness Challenge to encourage more kindness and give kids lots of chances to practice being kind this December. With the December holidays fast approaching, we can get quickly bogged down in our busy to do lists. The kids feed off our stress of getting everything done to make the […]