Inside: Use this Christmas Emergent Reader to celebrate love and kindness during the Christmas season.
Christmas is really the most magical time of the year. Maybe it’s the music or the lights or the gift giving or the family traditions or the cookies.
And it’s easy to get swept up in the busy-ness of the season and forget what it’s all about. In our family it’s about creating memories, giving to others, and kindness. (And maybe cookies too).
So we try to slow down by focusing on family time and connecting by playing games like Christmas charades or baking cookies and spreading Christmas cheer and kindness.
But it can be hard to remember to show kindness to others when the streets and the stores and our schedules get busy and frantic.
So it’s essential to take the time to focus on kindness and how to show that kindness to others. This Christmas Kindness Emergent Reader is a great way to showcase all the ways to be kind and generous and helpful and compassionate during the Christmas season.
Other Ways to Celebrate Christmas with Kids
We love celebrating Christmas and sneaking in some kindness at the same time!
We focus on gift giving rather than gift receiving with this I Want/I Want to Give Printable and with this Christmas Tradition that Focuses on Sibling Giving.
We use this Christmas Kind or Unkind Sort to determine what is kind and what is unkind.
We use this Countdown to Christmas with Kindness Paper Chain and this Christmas Kindness Advent Calendar.
We spread random acts of kindness with this Christmas Random Acts of Kindness and use these SNOW Kind Winter Notes.
Want to spend some time learning how other people celebrate? You’ll love our We Celebrate Differnetly Interactive Emergent Reader.
And we read these Christmas Kindness books:
Two Lists for Christmas: The Christmas Kindness-List
Secret Santas And The Twelve Days of Christmas Giving
How to Use the Christmas Kindness Emergent Reader
1. Purchase and download the Christmas Kindness Emergent Reader Set.
2. Print out the version you wish to use: color or black and white and cut them apart. I swear by my paper cutter I bought my first year teaching because I can’t cut a straight line.
If you use the black and white version, use these skin color crayons so students can color in the people.
3. After you staple the pages, read the book together. You can follow up with partner reading, silent reading, group reading, or reading to a class pet/stuffed animal.
4. Use the Discussion Starters to further the conversation about Christmas kindness and how we can show kindness to others during the holidays.
5. Students can write or dictate about how they can show kindness during Christmas with one of 2 writing prompts that are printed on lined paper and dot lined paper.
And then celebrate a very Merry Christmas full of kindness and lots of cookies.
Ready to get the Christmas Kindness Emergent Reader Set?
Purchase the Christmas Kindness Emergent Reader on Teachers Pay Teachers.
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