Inside: Use these 19 kindness games resources to teach social emotional learning skills in fun, hands on ways that sneak in learning. When my kids were little they were obsessed with Mary Poppins. And she taught us, “in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and […]
Learning at Home
The Friendship Farm Curriculum Bundle for SEL
Inside: Use The Friendship Farm Curriculum Bundle for Social Emotional Learning to connect farm animals to friendship and kindness. When my kids were in preschool and kindergarten, one of our go-to field trips was to our local farm every fall and spring. In the fall, we would pick pumpkins and in the spring we would […]
Women’s History Month Emergent Reader for SEL
Inside: Use this Women’s History Month Emergent Reader to focus on and learn about amazing women during Women’s History Month in March. It took me longer than I care to admit when I realized not every girl is proud to be a girl. Not every girl was told she could do anything or be anything. […]
Year of Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for Elementary
Inside: Use this year of social emotional learning curriculum to intentionally teach 12 concepts: kindness, empathy, antibullying, gratitude, sportsmanship, etc. If we want kind students and kind classrooms, we have to create positive classroom environments and intentionally teach social emotional learning. Related: How to Encourage Kindness in Your Classroom And while we are required to […]
Black History Emergent Reader for Social Emotional Learning
Inside: Use this Black History Emergent Reader to focus on and learn about amazing Black Americans during Black History Month in February. As an elementary school teacher, I always laughed when February came around because we were expected to fit so much in. February has Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day, the 100th Day of School, and […]