Inside: There’s one simple trick to make sure your kids know you love them every day. And it will take you less than a minute to do! Every parent needs this hack!
Some days as a mom are harder than others.
Our kids push our buttons and tap dance on our last nerve and we forget to exercise patience.
And in those moments when we yell or raise our voice a little too harshly, our kids often hear: “She’s mad at me so she must not love me anymore.”
Which couldn’t be further than the truth. As moms, we know we love our kids all the time, even when we’re mad at them.
But we often forget to tell them, or more importantly, show them they are loved.
Feeling loved and wanted and valued is a basic need, just above food and water and shelter. And if we want our kids to be their best selves and be kind to others, we have to make sure these basic needs are met.
To make sure my kids feel loved, we often do these Proof of Love Activities that match their Love Languages.
But you can also do this one simple trick to make sure your kids know you love them every day.
To let my kids know I really love them, I do this one thing:
There are so many ways to show your kids you love them.
There is no right and no wrong.
So I know it sounds simple, but I write them love notes.
I sneak notes into lunchboxes on tangerines and on napkins and on bananas.
And on rushed mornings, I send them these kindness lunchbox notes.
I send them these silly jokes in their lunchboxes too.
I shove notes in their pillowcases when they go on sleepovers.
I write on these notecards and sneak them into their room so they’re surprised (you can download a whole set below).
I leave them notes in their desks during Back to School Night and I write in their notebooks on test day.
I use these black magic notes and I draw on bookmarks in the books they’re reading.
I print out Love Language Coupons and write them Words of Affirmation Notes.
I use this Love Bank and heart notecard set to write them love notes.
And we write these love notes to them around Valentine’s Day.
I write them long notes on their birthdays and save them for when they’re older.
But the short and sweet everyday notes are the ones I really love writing.
I keep it simple. Somedays, I just write “I love you.” And that’s pretty much it.
Because there’s not much room on a banana.
So here’s the love note I would fit onto a banana in their lunch box if I could:
I love you forever and always.
I love you more than you will ever know.
Here’s how I love thee…
I love you when you’re clean and fresh out of the bath and smell sweet.
I love you even when you fart on my lap.
I love you when you fall asleep in my arms.
I love you even when you wake me up in the middle of the night for a cup of water.
I love you when you reach up to hold my hand when we’re walking.
I love you even when you roll your eyes at me.
I love you when you help me bake family recipes.
I love you when you loudly proclaim that the dinner I made is gross. Before you even eat it.
I love you when you play sweetly with your sister.
I love you even when you slam your door as you yell at your sister to get out of your room.
I love you when we watch movies from my childhood together.
I love you even when you sneak TV after I’ve said no more screen time.
I love you when you make yourself breakfast before I come downstairs.
I love you even when you spill milk all over the clean kitchen floor.
I love you when you draw me little pictures of our family.
I love you when you tell me I’m the meanest mom ever.
I love you when you proudly read to me from your new book.
I love you even when you refuse to do your homework and complain about every math problem.
I love you when you offer me a lick of your chocolate ice cream.
I love you even when you use your clothes as a napkin.
I love you when you do what I ask the first time.
I love you even when you don’t have your shoes on three times after I asked.
I love you when you calmly help me go grocery shopping.
I love you when you have a temper tantrum in the middle of the store.
I love you when we play games together.
I love you even when you explain every Pokemon character to me. In excruciating detail.
I love you to the moon and back and then some, because how could I not?
I just can’t always fit it on a banana.
I love you, Your Mama
So until it all fits on a banana or my kids are old enough to read this, I’ll stick to drawing hearts on their hands and sticking simple notes in their lunchboxes.
Need other ways to let your kids know you love them?
Try some of my family’s absolute favorite books:
Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You
Ready to start writing love notes to show your kids you love them?
Grab our Tween Love Notes here…(but they work for teens and younger kiddos too!)
Otilia Dwight says
Thanks, Otilia Dwight for