Inside: Show kindness to moms on Mother’s Day with this Mommy Is Poem free printable you can download, print and have kids fill out as a Mother’s day gift or a Mother’s Day card.
Every day, our moms do everything for us.
And to be honest with you, this isn’t news to you.
Because if you’re reading this, you’re probably a mom yourself.
And you do all the things. You pack the school lunches, and help with homework, and know when the next spirit day is at school.
Moms juggle it all and even if our spouses are hands-on co-parents, we still take on the lion’s share.
The mental workload of moms can be shockingly overwhelming.
And hopefully, you’re doing it without mounds and mounds of mom guilt.
There aren’t many days that celebrate all the hard work we do.
But we do get one day.
Mother’s Day.
But because we only get one day, to make it truly our day and spend it the way we want to, sometimes we have to ask for what we want.
What to ask for as a Mother’s Day Gift:
Every mama wants something different to celebrate Mother’s Day.
Some of my mama friends want time with their kids, time with their families and breakfast in bed.
Some of us want time off, time away, and a bit of a break. Preferably with a cocktail and a massage booked at a spa.
But I think all of us would be super happy if our kids took a second and told us how much they appreciate us, how much they love us, and show us how well they know us.
So we have to ask for what we want.
And we could ask for a nice piece of jewelry, or a massage or a new bag.
But we can also ask for the sentimental stuff.
We can encourage our kids to show kindness to moms. Even if that mom is us.
So we can ask our husbands or family members to help our kids fill out a Mommy Is Poem (or Mama Is or Mum Is or Mother Is or Mom Is).
Because it’ll be a snapshot of how our kids see us.
How they think we think.
And how well they know us.
Educators- These make great Mother’s Day cards and gifts! Just ask your students which version works best for them (What do they call their mom?)
How to Use the Mommy Is Poem to Show Kindness to Moms:
1. Download and print the Mommy Is Poem (download it below).
2. Choose which version poem fits best: Mom, Mommy, Mother, Mum, or Mama.
3. Ask your kids to fill out the poem/have your students fill out the poem.
If your kids aren’t readers or writers yet, they can dictate their answers to an adult, to an older kiddo or to you.
For the line, “My Mommy is…” they can write a different line each time or repeat the same line to make it more of a poem.
4. Encourage your kids to color in anything they want.
This can be given as a Mother’s Day card or can be a Mother’s Day present.
I don’t need another Mother’s Day mug or frame or homemade pasta necklace.
But I can always use sweet words from my kids.
That beats a cocktail and a day at the spa any day.
Download the My Mommy Is Poem here (and all the versions!)
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