Inside: Use these kindness bees crafts to help teach social emotional learning and encourage kids to bee kind.
With their pollination skills, bees are the literal building blocks of this Earth. And with their rapid decline, we often hear that we need to be kind to the bees.
So bee crafts are the perfect addition to spring and Earth Day Celebrations… which is a great time to also focus on social emotional learning.
During the spring we use this Flower Kind or Unkind Sort Game, this Spring Kindness Challenge, and this I Love Earth Emergent Reader.
But bees also perfect for social emotional curriculum because we can use a bee craft and a good positioned pun to encourage kids to “bee kind” and “bee sweet” and “bee themselves.” You can also connect this Bee Craft with learning about the letter “B” with these preschool letter B worksheets.
Want more spring crafts celebrating our pollinators? Make this butterfly craft with this How to Weave a Paper Butterfly tutorial.
Kindness Crafts to Make Kindness Fun
We love making kindness crafts to help teach social emotional learning and make it more hands on and fun.
Related: 8 Reasons to Teach Social Emotional Learning
We make these Compliment Suns in the summer to encourage kids to give compliments to one another.
We make these Friendship Flowers in the spring for the same reason.
We go “old school” and make these Shrinky Dink kindness keychains.
We encourage siblings to make these sibling kindness bracelets.
We make these Kind Heart, Happy Hearts Crafts to encourage/celebrate when we see kind acts.
And we make these Kindness Bees.
How to Use these Kindness Bees:
1. Use the version you wish: tracing template or printable template (download below).
2. If you use the tracing template, print one copy on cardstock and cut out each piece to create templates. Trace each piece on construction paper (the body on yellow, the stripes on black, and the wings and stinger on white or gray).
3. If you use the printable templates, print one color copy for each child on cardstock.
4. Children will cut out the shapes.
5. Glue the pieces to create a Kindness Bee, but wait on the wings!
6. If you’re using the tracing template bees, glue on the words or write the words. If they write them in pencil, trace it for them in black sharpie so it “pops.”
7. Trim the black strips once they’re glued on so they don’t hang over the edge of the bee’s body. Remind children to make sure the words aren’t hanging off the edge of the bee or they’ll get accidentally cut off. Then, glue on the wings!
8. Using a black marker, make an eye dot.
9. Brainstorm ways to “Bee Kind” and “Bee Sweet” and “Bee Yourself” to build up your social emotional curriculum.
If you need ideas, you can read this sweet story, Bee Kind.
10. To connect this craft to creative writing, kids can write/draw and dictate how they can “Bee Kind” or how they can “Bee Sweet” using one of the four writing prompt sheets.
Download the Kindness Bees here.
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