Inside: Use these 12 quick ways to create a positive classroom environment to increase kindness and support so students feel safe and ready to learn. School has been in session for a while now and we’ve learned our kids’ names and taught them our routines and procedures. They know where to find the pencils and […]
end bullying in schools
How to Use These Classroom Rules Posters to Set Clear Expectations
Use these classroom rules posters to set clear expectations in your classroom and help build a positive classroom environment. My first year teaching as I set up my Kindergarten classroom, my mentor teacher suggested that instead of posting the rules, I asked the kids what they thought the classroom rules should be. So I did […]
Use this Interactive Bulletin Board to Encourage Kindness
Inside: Use this interactive bulletin board to encourage more kindness in your classroom or school and make kindness more of a daily habit. When I taught at my second school, we got a “must place” principal. His last school didn’t want him anymore and he was forced to leave but he was protected, couldn’t be […]
How to Prevent Bullying in the Classroom
Inside: Teachers can prevent bullying in the classroom with these 15 tips all educators must know so they can stop bullying and protect students. When my daughter was in the fourth grade, she was the victim of bullying. Students were bullying her on the playground and during PE and in the lunchroom. These students then […]
5 Most Common Mistakes Educators Make When Teaching Kind Kids
Inside: These are the 5 most common mistakes educators make when teaching kids to be kind and more importantly, quick fix solutions. We all have that one magical year, and if we’re lucky more than one magical year, where we have the “perfect” class. For me, it was my second year of teaching, twenty years […]