Inside: How do you know if your your tween is ready for more independence? Do you struggle with giving your child–especially your special needs child–the skills they need to be independent and self-sufficient? All children crave independence and our jobs as parents is two fold: getting them ready for the independence and determining when they’re […]
helping our kids thrive
The Biggest Milestone for Special Needs Kids
Inside: Our special needs kids are almost always told what they won’t be able to do, won’t be able to accomplish like their typically developing peers. But when they go and prove their doctors wrong, it’s the biggest milestone they’ll have. Your daughter will never read, and will never ride a bike, and will definitely […]
9 Things Parents Must Know to Have a Successful IEP Meeting
Inside: Do you have an IEP Meeting, 504 Meeting or a Domain Meeting coming up with your child’s school? Here’s what you need to know to have a successful IEP meeting! I sat across the table from 8 strangers. And I was crying. This was my daughter we were talking about. This conversation about her […]
Help Your Child Choose a Just Right Book With This Secret Trick
Inside: Now that your child is beginning to read, do you need to know how to help them choose the right book that is appropriate for them? Not too hard but not too easy? There’s a simple teacher trick that all parents should know to help our new readers pick the perfect book every time! […]
Make Homework Time Easier Based on Child’s Personality & Learning Style
Inside: Are your kids struggling to complete their homework in a timely manner? Are you battling with your kids to finish their homework quickly? Do you need some homework help to make homework time easier? Try some of these tricks based on your child’s personality and learning style. Most parents hate homework. Because most kids […]