Inside: Use these kind, respectful parenting one liners will help make gentle parenting easier. Get a free printable list. It can feel overwhelming and triggering when we’re trying to get dinner on the table and homework done and kids are coming at us with requests, demands, whining, and behaviors they know are unacceptable. When we’re […]
helping our kids thrive
Kindness Role Playing Cards to Practice Being Kind
Inside: Use these kindness Role Playing Cards with kids to practice how to be kind towards others every day. While there is no one way to be kind, there are many ways to be unkind. Role Playing gives children a safe space to practice new skills they’re learning that may otherwise feel overwhelming if […]
Anti Bullying Pledge for Students to Help End Bullying
Inside: Encourage kids to be upstanders and feel empowered to stand up to bullying behavior with this anti bullying pledge. My niece just started Kindergarten and as I was chatting with my sister, she mentioned that another kid, a 5 year old, was being bullied. It happens every day, on playgrounds around the world, and […]
How to Make Kindness Rocks to Spread Happiness
Inside: Want a simple way to spread the message of kindness with your kids? Help them make these kindness rocks and hide kind messages for others to find. I took my kids to a fast food restaurant today and there was a young adult who worked there who offered to help us. He greeted us […]
Books You Need to Raise Kind Kids and Encourage More Kindness
Inside: When we purposefully raise kind kids, one simple way to do it is to read books with messages about kindness and friendship. These are the must-have books you need to raise kind kids plus discussion starter questions about friendship and how to be a kind person. Kindness needs to be explicitly taught. It needs […]