Inside: Summer learning loss, otherwise known as Summer Slide is detrimental to our kids’ learning progress. But it can succeed with a summer slide prevention by doing simple activities throughout the summer. And the best news is: even if you do only 1 activity to prevent Summer Slide, it will help your child. The easiest […]
How To's
Make a Valentine’s Day Countdown Calendar to Get Kids Excited
Inside: Make this Valentine’s Day Countdown Craft to help kids know when they can pass out valentine’s cards with their friends. My kids are constantly needing to know how many days are left until the next holiday. They’re on constant countdown mode. They plan their birthday party for the next year on their birthday this […]
How to Encourage Kids to Be Kind When Kids are Mean to Them
Inside: Teaching our kids to remain kind when others are unkind to them is the hardest part of intentionally raising kind kids. But there are ways we can help our kids to be kind when others are mean to them. It just takes these three tricks. And a lot of repetition. “I’ll be kind when […]
How to Teach Kids to Sew with ABC Letter Sewing Craft
Inside: Teach your kids to sew with this ABC letter sewing craft. My kids have been on a quest to learn how to sew. So we’ve been creating all sort of projects throughout the year. Once my son learned how to sew pumpkins, ghosts, hearts and dreidels, he wanted to make a “B” for his […]
How to Find Guilt-Free SAHM Work-Life Balance
Inside: Are you overwhelmed as a stay at home mom trying to get all the things done but just left with guilt? Here are 14 ways to find guilt-free sahm work-life balance. My husband works for a huge corporation that often touts “work-life balance.” They encourage their employees to shut down their computers and ignore the […]