Inside: Use these 12 gentle parenting strategies to help siblings adjust to a new baby with kindness and with less resentment and frustration. When I was pregnant with my second child everyone starting warning me, it’s triple the work so good luck… And they always said it with a hint of I know something you […]
Tips tricks and advice
Kind and Respectful Parenting One Liners for Gentle Parenting
Inside: Use these kind, respectful parenting one liners will help make gentle parenting easier. Get a free printable list. It can feel overwhelming and triggering when we’re trying to get dinner on the table and homework done and kids are coming at us with requests, demands, whining, and behaviors they know are unacceptable. When we’re […]
Books You Need to Raise Kind Kids and Encourage More Kindness
Inside: When we purposefully raise kind kids, one simple way to do it is to read books with messages about kindness and friendship. These are the must-have books you need to raise kind kids plus discussion starter questions about friendship and how to be a kind person. Kindness needs to be explicitly taught. It needs […]
How to Bully-Proof Your Child
Inside: No parent wants their child to be bullied. But can we prevent it? Can we bully-proof our kids? Here are 14 ways parents can bully-proof their kids and prevent bullying before it happens. My daughter came home with yet another story of being bullied. This time by a girl in her class, during class […]
Thanksgiving Gratitude Activities: 14+ of the Best and Most Meaningful
Inside: Help your kids focus on what they’re really grateful for this November with these 10 meaningful Thanksgiving Gratitude Activities your family will love. Teaching our kids to be grateful and to appreciate the list of things they have in their lives is a year-long endeavor. Gratitude is not meant to only be taught once […]