Inside: Spread kindness with these family-friendly volunteer ideas for kids each month through this Family Volunteer Challenge to help make volunteering a habit for kids. About a decade ago, there was a huge campaign in Los Angeles to get more people volunteering. Disney teamed up with dozens of local organizations, and if an adult volunteered […]
Family Volunteer Challenge for December
Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for December by focusing on giving rather than getting Christmas gifts. A few years ago, I was shopping with my kids at the mall during December. We were holiday shopping for family and putting things on their wish list for them. The Christmas carols […]
Family Volunteer Challenge for September
Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for September by thanking our firefighters who are essential community helpers. It started like a normal day. It didn’t end that way. By dinner time, we were making plans to pack up our most valuable assets. We calmly explained to our kids that we […]
Family Volunteer Challenge for August
Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for August by donating school supplies and books for students who need it. August used to still be summer when we were kids. But nowadays, August officially marks back to school season. Target told me so with their rows and rows of Elmer’s Glue […]
Family Volunteer Challenge for July
Inside: Spread kindness as a family through this Family Volunteer Challenge for July by writing to active duty servicemen and women in our military. My kids think the 4th of July is such a fun holiday all about apple pies and fireworks. And they think Memorial Day means BBQs and Veterans Day means no school. […]