Inside: There are simple ways to encourage kindness in our classrooms, including using these kindness posters made specifically for classrooms. My daughter was working on an art project in her classroom and I was guest teaching. She was excited I was there and I was excited to get back in front of a group of […]
Ready for School
Back to School Role Playing to Practice Kindness
Inside: Use these Back to School Role Playing Kindness Cards with kids to practice how to be kind towards others as they head back to school. While there is no one way to be kind, there are many ways to be unkind. And when kids are headed into a new situation, like heading to school, […]
Kindness Activities for Kids: 21 Ideas to Spread Kindness
Inside: Use these kindness activities for kids to give kids ways they can speak and act with kindness more often in fun ways. Kindness is a verb. It’s something we have to do. So while we can read kindness books and talk about kindness (which is important), we ALSO have to give kids actual opportunities […]
Classroom Birthday Book Printable to Spread Kindness
Inside: This Classroom Birthday Book is perfect for classrooms to celebrate students in special ways that showcase kindness. I was always the kid with the summer birthday and always felt like I got the short end of the stick. Because while no one really wants to be in school on their actual birthday, there is […]
Back to School Countdown Calendar to Get Excited for School
Inside: Help create back to school excitement with this back to school countdown calendar made with a simple paper chain…it’s great for back to school activities. My daughter and I were talking this morning as we snuggled in bed. She asked me her favorite question of the summer… She wanted to know when school started. […]