Inside: Help create back to school excitement with this back to school countdown calendar made with a simple paper chain…it’s great for back to school activities. My daughter and I were talking this morning as we snuggled in bed. She asked me her favorite question of the summer… She wanted to know when school started. […]
Ready for School
Lift Up Others Kindness Balloons to Cheer Up and Cheer On
Inside: Cheer up others and cheer on others with these Lift Up Others Kindness Balloons Printable you can hand out to people who need it. The other day was a crummy day. I couldn’t pinpoint the why and I couldn’t get out of my slump at all. So I had little patience, little joy and […]
Acts of Kindness Links Paper Chain to Celebrate kindness
Inside: Use these acts of kindness links paper chain to celebrate kindness and encourage more of it. Small acts of kindness can change the world. How? Because even the smallest of kind acts show others how to be kind. They show others that kindness does in fact exist. And since kindness is contagious, it creates […]
What to Do When Your Child Has Been Bullied: 12 Steps
Is your child being bullied? Here’s what to do when your child has been bullied in 12 steps. 1 in 5 kids will be bullied. Is your kiddo one of them? When your child comes home with bullying stories, it can be hard to know what to do. But sadly, I’ve been there, several times: Mean […]
21 Gift Ideas to Teach Kids The Alphabet That are Fun
Inside: Gift ideas to teach kids the alphabet. All kids need to learn their letters and some kids need more time than others. Using these fun gift ideas, kids can move, create, play, and read their way to learning their ABCs. My eldest knew her letters at 3 years old. Because she really wanted to […]