Inside: To celebrate the 100th Day of School, use these 100 days of kindness activities which will help build a kinder school culture. Schools around the world are realizing the importance of kindness in their education. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) has become a new addition to the academic curriculum in more and more schools. Kindness posters […]
Ready for School
New School? How to Help Your Kids Adjust to a New School Quickly
Inside: Are your kids heading to a new school this fall? Here’s how to help your kids adjust to a new school quickly. My three kids were the new kids at school three times in three years. We moved from Los Angeles to Boston to Chicago and back to Los Angeles. Yikes. That’s a lot […]
How to Make Back to School Kindness Pencil Toppers
Inside: Help your kids spread kindness to their classmates with these back to school crafts kindness pencil toppers they can gift or surprise classmates with. We have 5 days until we start again. Back to school is upon us and my three kids are a mix of emotions. One is super excited. The other one […]
How to Teach Your Kids to Make School Lunches So You Don’t Have To
Inside: Teach your kids to make school lunches on their own so you don’t have to anymore. Use this free printable and 7 tips to teach kids how. So, we all have Mom Chores we really despise. All the chores need to get done, but some really end up rubbing me the wrong way. For […]
How to Help Kindergarteners Do Homework Without Tears
Inside: New students have a hard time working on homework. Kindergarteners especially have no desire to sit still and often refuse to do their homework. But there are tips and tricks to help new Kindergarteners do homework without complaining or without tears. Congrats! You’ve survived the huge parenting milestone of sending your child off to […]